The Deputy Secretary General of Energy chairs the National Working Group Meeting on Clean Energy for Cooking

The Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy, Athumani Mbuttuka has led a meeting of the experts of the National Working Group on Clean Energy for Cooking to review various information prepared by the secretariat of the working group including the National Vision to move to the use of clean energy for cooking and the Strategic Plan of the implementation of the Vision.

The Working Group has met for three days from 18 to 20 March, 2023, in Dodoma.

Mbuttuka has said that the working group is preparing the National Vision to Move to the Use of Clean Energy for Cooking 2033; Strategic Plan for the Implementation of the National Clean Energy Vision 2033; and the Structure of the National Fund for Clean Energy for Cooking by classifying tasks, responsibilities, structure and sources of funds.

The task force is also preparing a draft ban on the use of wood and charcoal for every institution that feeds more than three hundred (300) people by the year 2024 and one hundred (100) to three hundred (300) people by the year 2025.

He added that the task force is reviewing and analyzing the various policies, plans and strategies that exist and recommending appropriate improvements that will ensure the existence of flexible guidelines that will lead to sustainability and the presence of an enabling environment for investment in the clean cooking energy sector.

The Working Group includes senior officials from the Office of the President TAMISEMI, the Office of the Vice President (Union and Environment), the Office of the Prime Minister (Parliament, Policy and Coordination), the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Mines, the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance and Planning, Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Social Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups and Ministry of Agriculture with Institutions involved.

It should be noted that at the opening of the National Debate on Clean Energy for Cooking 2022, on November 1, 2022, the Honorable President gave various instructions in his speech. One of those instructions is the creation of a National Working Group that will include the Government, Private Sector and Development Stakeholders to manage all issues related to clean cooking energy in the country.

The working group was created and started the implementation of the tasks in November, 2022.

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