President Samia Suluhu Hassan launched the National Clean Cooking Energy Strategy in Dar es Salaam.

Samia Suluhu Hassan, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania urged the private sector to invest significantly in the sector, including technology, to ensure easy access to clean cooking energy for every citizen.

The President highlighted that the newly launched plan outlines a path towards the country’s goal of having 80 percent of the population using clean cooking energy by 2034.
Additionally, she emphasized that besides reducing costs, the strategy will bolster the nation’s endeavors in combating the impacts of climate change.
Every year, approximately 469,000 hectares of forests vanish due to the demand for firewood and charcoal.

In November 2023, the African Women Clean Cooking Support Programme (AWCCSP) received significant backing during the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Spearheaded by President Samia Suluhu Hassan, this pioneering initiative was unveiled alongside the conference and aims to equip women and girls across Africa with clean cooking technologies. The goal is to curb the reliance on wood, charcoal, and other traditional biomass fuels.

In Africa, nearly 80 percent of the population depends on wood and charcoal for cooking, a major contributor to indoor pollution that disproportionately affects the health of women and children.

President Samia mobilized African leaders and delegates to expedite the adoption of clean cooking solutions in the region. The aim is to transition approximately 900 million Africans from biomass fuels to more affordable and eco-friendly alternatives in the coming years.